living free from trauma
Father’s Heart
Whether you believe there's a God or not, you can still to experience the extraordinary unfathomable unequivocal unconditional love of God, our Heavenly Father. Given freely and to free us from darkness into a life of light and love.
Community Wellbeing
Supporting the local community practically, emotionally, mentally and physically with programmes and activities of doing and being.
Retreat Respite & Refresh
Facilitating retreat and refreshment times. Stepping back to leap forward.

Welcome to, a not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to see every human find freedom from past hurts and live the life intended for them.
This organisation is in its infancy but it sits on the shoulders of many years' expectant hope by Ian, it's founder. He passionately believes that every human being is truly loved by their Heavenly Father, who wants nothing but good for them.
The activities of inFreedom are the things that Ian finds helpful for himself and so wants to share with others.
Ian Howlett

Ian Howlett
Founder at